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Blog posts tagged with 'bag'

Have yourself a Merry Eco Christmas !
Have yourself a Merry Eco Christmas !

Maybe it’s time for a Merry Eco Christmas. This year we highlight a number of innovative products that are all about reusability sustainability and recyclability which include a straw for life collapsible coffee cup and a drawstring tote bag made in part of recycled cotton and plastic bottles! If yo...

The World Largest Jute Shopper Bag!
The World Largest Jute Shopper Bag!

At Wild Thang you know we absolutely love all things big, huge, massive related to products we sell, reusable bags for life are very much a key element in long term environmental sustainability. Jute is a very hardwearing material so a perfect material for creating a bag for life but maybe just as i...

Wild Thang Branding Geek it could be bags of fun!
Wild Thang Branding Geek it could be bags of fun!

We just love living up to our nickname of a branding geek & have literally got bags of merchandise! Inspired by the fact that shopping like it or not is a big part of the Christmas festive season, did you know American and European patent applications relating to the production of plastic shopping b...

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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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