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Merchandise in action a right royal goody bag

Merchandise in action a right royal goody bag

First and foremost huge congrats to Harry and Meghan from team Wild Thang wishing you both a long and happy life together! We loved the royal wedding & this genuinely is a fantastic example of merchandise in action with colour coordinated promotional promo corporate merchandise in the form of branded printed canvas jute bags probably filled with plenty of amazing gifts inside but more importantly than anything else a lovely memory of the event for all the guests.

If you are considering an event it really is worth thinking about providing an executive, VIP or promotional goody bag our advice is simple, think about your event, relevance, your brand  & what your audience might value. It also great to collaborate so you may want to give some of your sponsors if you have them an opportunity to target your customers, so they could part fund the gifts with a joined up approach to really maximize the impact.

We just love this photograph that in itself has delivered real brand impact always think press release, sharing on all platforms of social media or in publication print for any marketing or promotion events.  Please remember we are here to help with expert branded clothing merchandise & print advice ! The starting point is the bag & we have an incredible range of Jute, cotton, shopper, sports, travel, executive, travel & conference bags so why not take a little look around.

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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

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