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Merchandise in action! Well it’s official they were 100% the Fourmidables

Merchandise in action! Well it’s official they were 100% the Fourmidables

Congratulations to Manchester City for their historic 2019 cup haul. They are one of the greatest teams on the planet this year & have earned that play on words of being called the ‘Fourmidables’. They simply had to be this week’s featured merchandise in action. But it was not all about the boys, the ladies Manchester City team also dominated the female league so big congrats to them also.

Wild Thang are proud to have supplied branded merchandise to many premiership clubs & we have seen a whole lot of merchandise in action which is something special.These photo’s are really what it’s all about - passion, excitement & celebrating the iconic moment. It’s also the moment when the brands get the ultimate showcase, imagine the photo without the branded printed backdrops, medals, cups, scarfs, flags, t-shirts & even the football kit.

It simply would not have the same impact, you would in fact not even know it was Man City celebrating their 2019 record breaking season without the branding elements. It’s the power of branded clothing, merchandise & print, think about the PR machine, TV shared in traditional print & across social media platforms and you start to really see the huge benefits.

We just love showcasing merchandise in action to give you inspiration & please remember we are here to help with expert branded clothing, merchandise and print advice! Why not take a look at our one solution service which covers pretty much everything you could ever need to create a world class image.


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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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