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Those little Devils have only gone and made it to the Super League Grand Final!

Those little Devils have only gone and made it to the Super League Grand Final!

Well this is a remarkable achievement and it’s not every day we get to work on merchandise for such a major sporting event in the world of Rugby. The world loves the underdog and some had already written off the Red Devils as being a none contender at the beginning of the season, how wrong could they be, which in some ways makes it even sweeter for the club, players and the amazing fans.

Wild Thang Director John Howarth, who helps look after the clubs requirements, commented: “There is so much to celebrate, what a year, what a club! Massive congrats from the whole Wild Thang Team on making it to the Grand Final but also to Jacko Hastings on winning the Man of Steel at the Super League Awards this week too, the guy has deserves everything that comes his way and we are excited for next season already!”

One more to go to make your dreams come true but win or lose there is so much to be proud of for all involved, Wild Thang are proud to have been played our small part as official merchandise and team kit branding partner, we are now looking forward to creating some Limited Edition Grand Final Merchandise which will be available soon on the online shop and also at the Salgood club shop at the stadium.

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