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WILD Thang Development Update

WILD Thang Development Update

A big thank you to our friends Tarways Asphalte who have completed a great job resurfacing our car park and goods in areas, these have now been marked up with our disabled and electric charging bays.

Benson Signs have also been back on site to fit high level signage to our Derby Road elevation, showing the world what we’re all about! It’s been a very tough journey with development and COVID disruption, but we’re edging closer to final development completion.

Who said manufacturing premises had to be boring or run of the mill, we are really proud to have had the aspiration to create something world class with the help of Liverpool based K2 Architects & Frank Rogers Building Contractor Limited.

Its hopefully not long now as we literally can’t wait to be able to invite you guys & gals to our grand unveiling when it’s safe to do so!

If you would like to find out more about how Wild Thang can help you create a world class physical image, simply get in touch.


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