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Wild Thang proud to do our little bit for the homeless

Wild Thang proud to do our little bit for the homeless

Andrew Dwerryhouse MD at Wild Thang commented: “It was a good feeling for the whole of the Wild Thang team to handover our staffs very kind Christmas jumper day donations of £200 to the Whitechapel Centre Homeless Charity that took place in December.

This led us on to think how else we could help, knowing this is the most challenging time of year for vulnerable homeless people having to deal with freezing temperatures, we proudly made the decision to donate a sizable amount of stock clothing such as jackets, hoodies and hats to the Whitechapel Centre and also to a temporary crisis center at Kingsway House which had recently been setup by @SignatureLiving. I have had the privilege personally to meet those individuals it’s helping & it was great to see the crisis shelter in action, it is genuinely giving people the emergency food and shelter they require with maybe just a little glimmer of hope & opportunity for the individuals that find themselves at the lowest ebb in their lives”.

We are sure every little counts, great to support a local leading #homeless and #housing #charity who do amazing work around the city, check them out on

Also check out the temporary Signature Shelter at Kingsway House which could become a genuine community with a joined up pathway to give these people hope and opportunities for the future. The Shelter is self-funded and is led with an entrepreneurial spirit of trying to do something uniquely different to find the right answer or solution to a problem that simply is not being solved at every level.

Photo features Andrew Dwerryhouse handing over the cheque to Charlotte Hopkins who is an Events & Community Fundraiser at Whitechapel Centre.

The Wild Thang Christmas Jumper Day in action & some of the resident homeless people Kingsway House has been helping.

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