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Wild Thang support the Owen Mcveigh Foundation

Wild Thang support the Owen Mcveigh Foundation

Wild Thang are proud to have supplied, printed and sponsored the Snowdon Climb technical t-shirts that over 160 plus people received for participating in the sponsored Snowdon climb, which took place on the 5th of May.

Andrew Dwerryhouse commented “This is a fantastic charity that really works from the ground up providing life changing memories for children & their families in Merseyside fighting Cancer, I have seen the work they are doing first hand and its simply amazing, This was a genuinely tough challenge and all the individuals that took part can be so proud having raised over £25,000 this year which is just incredible & will make a huge difference to lots of children. Wild Thang are really proud to have been part of this event and will continue to support the Owen McVeigh Foundation in the future”

For more information about this simply amazing charity please go to

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