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Wild Thang website goes live at official launch party

Wild Thang website goes live  at official launch party

To celebrate this important moment Wild Thang hosted an official new website launch party at Avenue HQ, Mann island which coincided with the website going live & was attended by a mix of important clients, suppliers & the Wild Thang team.  

 The new website will focus on being a genuinely helpful resource filled with Inspirational Ideas, trends, Innovative products, latest market research & the very best advice our industry has to offer, simply One World Class Solution for Creative Branded Clothing, Merchandise & Print.

 Andrew Dwerryhouse Wild Thang MD commented: “This is another incredibly important moment in the company’s 22 year history, this has been an important and large investment for the company in both time and money which we hope will place us in the elite of our industry & to be a genuine catalyst for the future growth of Wild Thang. I am proud and relieved that after 2 years of planning to have finally gone live with the new website, just a few little stats the new website has circa 30K+ words of original content, 100’s of original photographs & graphic icons & maybe more importantly 10,000’s easy to navigate products so it’s a genuinely big moment & think we have created something special & standout within our industry.  It was really nice to be able to thank all the people involved in the project over that time in person at the launch, without them it simply would not have been possible, that list of people includes the website developer Akiko, Carrie & David who really have gone above and beyond to deliver a standout industry leading website and have fulfilled the project brief to the letter. Also our own in-house graphics team lead by our studio manager Steven who have designed the majority of the images and icons throughout the website which should be a world class  showcase of our creativity as a company and the whole Wild Thang team, without who it would not have been possible to dedicate the time and energy on this project to get the new website completed & over the line”.



Even though only just launched we have already received some really positive feedback from clients:


‘Huge improvement from a design and user experience perspective. Well done to everyone involved!’

‘It looks class’

‘Very easy to navigate and find products you need’

‘The new website looks great’

‘Looks great and it’s really slick’

‘Merchandise website are usually poor quality design wise - this looks really good’

‘The case studies are very interesting & give inspiration’


It’s now live so why not take a look at the new website on

Website developer


Picture Andrew Dwerryhouse MD Wild Thang

Launch party completing the presentation and raising a magnum of champagne to everyone who has been involved .

New website Graphic.

Blog Disclaimer

While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

See our full T&C’s