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BPMA Exam Passed With Flying Colours

BPMA Exam Passed With Flying Colours

 We would like to say a huge congratulations to the members of our sales team who have passed the BPMA exam with flying colours. With the pressure on to pass every one of our team who took the exam passed and we could not be prouder. Jon Parle, Carrie Dwerryhouse, Joe Nugent, Louise Henderson and Stacey Kirk managed to show their expert knowledge in the industry and become BPMA certified.

The British Promotional Merchandise Association is the main professional body serving the promotional products industry in the UK and Ireland, they have been the most trusted brand in the industry for over 50 years offering advice and guidance to buyers as well as leading the promotional merchandise industry in delivering service excellence and compliance through a strict Code of Conduct which governs areas such as quality, accurate advertising, fair trade terms and managing customer complaints.

Being certified by the BPMA is huge in the Promotional products industry, we are delighted to say that Wild Thang is BPMA certified, and we hold a really positive relationship with the Association. We are proud to hold Charter Status with the British Promotional Merchandise Association placing us in the elite category of the top 1% of our entire industry. When you add that to our extensive industry accreditation and certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and Sedex, this means you will be dealing with one of the highest certified companies in our Industry type in the whole of the UK which is your guarantee of first-class quality and industry integrity.

At Wild Thang, we pride ourselves on being not just industry leaders but industry experts and with our world-class team having decades of experience in our various departments we are at the top of our game, but we embrace the fact that learning never stops and this is why we are so delighted for 5 of our Sales team to pass these exams as it shows as a team we never stop learning and developing the Wild Thang Way.
We would also like to say a big thanks to the BPMA for allowing us to have the opportunity to take the exam and show our expertise as a business.

We really appreciate all the great messages we have been receiving over the past few months, why not take a look below at links of what exactly makes Wild Thang industry leading company then if you have a requirement for creative branding clothing, merchandise & print, please don’t hesitate to reach out and get in touch as we are here to help with expert advice!


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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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