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Celebrating a Milestone: Welcoming our 50th Employee to the Wild Thang Family!

Celebrating a Milestone: Welcoming our 50th Employee to the Wild Thang Family!

At Wild Thang, we believe in celebrating not just our achievements, but also the incredible journey that has led us here. We were thrilled to announce a major milestone that marks both a new beginning and a reflection of how far we've come. Join us in celebrating the addition of Dan, our 50th employee, to the ever-growing Wild Thang family!

The Start of the Wild Thang Journey 

Our journey started with humble beginnings as a small business supported by The Prince's Trust. From those early days, we've embarked on a remarkable trajectory of growth and achievement. Now, standing strong with 50 dedicated team members, we have officially transitioned from being a small business to a medium-sized company.

Our 50th Employee Dan

This remarkable achievement is a testament to the relentless dedication and hard work of every single member of the Wild Thang team. From the very start, each individual has played a pivotal role in driving our growth and success. It's the collective effort, the shared commitment, and the unwavering passion that have fueled our journey.

Some of Our Senior Team With Our Business of the Year Award 2022

As we celebrate this milestone, we are reminded of the power of teamwork and collaboration. It's not just about hitting the number 50; it's about the camaraderie, the shared aspirations, and the mutual support that defines us. With each day, we continue to build on this foundation of success, supporting one another as we aim for even greater heights.

Our Team Eurovision Party

None of this would be possible without our incredible staff, both past and present. To all those who have been a part of our journey, thank you for contributing to the tapestry of Wild Thang. Your dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment have shaped the company into what it is today.

MD Andrew Giving a Speech at Our Wild Thang Expo

As we move forward, we look to the future with excitement, driven by the same passion that guided us from the beginning. Together, we will continue to push boundaries, innovate, and deliver branding excellence that sets us apart.

Join us in celebrating this incredible milestone, as we embrace the spirit of unity and growth that defines the Wild Thang way. Here's to Dan, to our 50th employee, to our thriving team, and to the journey that is just getting started!

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