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Wild Thang proud sponsor at the DIB Change Makers Live 2024

Wild Thang proud sponsor at the DIB Change Makers Live 2024

Wild Thang had the incredible opportunity to sponsor and attend the Downtown in Business (DIB) 'Change Makers Live' conference, an event that perfectly encapsulates the innovative spirit and challenges of the 21st century. Hosted in the breathtaking Spine Building of Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter, the event not only showcased the city's commitment to innovation and business excellence but also demonstrated the power of community and collaboration in addressing the most pressing global challenges.


The Spine Main Event Conference Room

The 'Change Makers Live' conference, supported by other illustrious sponsors including the House of Wisdom, BDP, Catapult, Bruntwood, Liverpool BID Company and Knowledge Quarter Liverpool, the event not only brought together brilliant organisations but also leaders from across the UK. It was a wonderful day with important discussions on innovation, sustainability, technology, health, energy, climate change and more, many of those topics really resonates with our very own commitments connected to our long-term sustainability pledge and gaining B-Corp status in 2024.


The Wild Thang Stand For The Event 

As one of the sponsors of the event, we had the opportunity to set up our expo stand and showcase our world-class services for creative branded clothing, merchandise and print so people truly understand what makes us stand out from the crowd & Why Wild Thang. We truly believe organisations should always ask the Why, then only align with other businesses that they trust, share their own values and ethics, we are happy to report many positive conversations were started throughout the event that discussed our shared values.


Our Champagne Competition Winner Amy

We also continued our tradition at these events of having people enter our amazing champagne business card draw, big thanks for all those that entered to win our magnum of Champagne, we were happy to announce the winner on the day was Amy from Downtown In Business!


Downtown In Business Event Stage Layout 

The calibre of speakers throughout the day was nothing short of spectacular, featuring personalities such as Rose Marley of Co-operatives UK, Tim Heatley of Capital & Centric and many more who shared invaluable insights and groundbreaking ideas. Their diverse topics ranged from the future of learning and space industry advancements to community engagement and sustainable development, highlighting the multifaceted nature of contemporary business challenges.


View From Event Floor Of The Spine

A special note of thanks goes to Downtown in Business for their exceptional role as the hosts & organisers of 'Change Makers Live' conference. Their commitment to creating a platform where business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators can come together is genuinely inspiring. The seamless organisation and the opportunity to form valuable connections speak volumes of DIB’s dedication to not just talking the talk but walking the walk in fostering business growth and innovation across the region.


Downtown In Business Event Speakers On Stage 

As we look forward to future events, Wild Thang remains committed to embracing the lessons learned and connections made during this inspiring conference. We are excited to continue contributing to the dialogue and innovation that drives our industry and community forward.


Event Dining Layout In The Spine

To anyone considering attending future events of this calibre, we wholeheartedly recommend it. The insights gained and the connections made are invaluable resources for any business looking to make a positive impact in their industry and community. See the links below to Downtown In Business, previous events, our Wild Thang sustainability pledge and a link to get in touch with our amazing team!

Downtown In Business  Business Of Sport Conference  Wild Thang Pledge  GET IN TOUCH

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