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Huge thank you to everyone who has made sure those NHS heroes Never Walked Alone!

Huge thank you to everyone who has made sure those NHS heroes Never Walked Alone!

Together we have all made a difference & while it has been an incredibly tough time for Wild Thang as a company, as it has been for many others companies, we simply wanted to make a difference as an organisation and team to do whatever we could to make sure those NHS Heroes and Key workers really know they Will Never Walk Alone!

With your help & as a team, we are incredibly proud that we have been able to make donations and deliveries to Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Clatterbridge Cancer Hospital, The Liverpool Royal Hospital, Alder Hey Hospital and Aintree Hospital. Over the past weeks we have been working with a skeleton team but we still found the time as a team to make a difference.

Our final week 3-4 report on the impact showed we never quite made that 500th T-shirt sale but we got pretty damn close with 487, thank you all again!

But it’s time to bring this project to a close as we now hopefully start getting back to some sort of normality now lock down is being eased.

It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but we have got to say the thing we are most proud of is the photo’s & videos you have shared. We have loved loved loved this more than anything else & there have been 10,000’s of shares and views across social media.

It was amazing to get Johnny Vegas and Simon Rimmer’s support also, they are genuinely nice guys but the real impact has been made by real people showing their support for the community, the NHS and especially those NHS Heroes!


Our feel good factor continues with the Museum of Liverpool purchasing some of the t-shirts to include in a curation about the impact of Covid-19 on the community.

So watch this space, they are also looking for other people’s stories - see link with contact details so you can get involved.


We will continue to support those NHS Heroes where we can as individuals and as a company because together we really all do make a difference and its ‘The Wild Thang Way’.

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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

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