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Wild Thang's Sustainability Pledge: Fighting Climate Change with Every Order

Wild Thang's Sustainability Pledge: Fighting Climate Change with Every Order

Attention all nature lovers, eco warriors, sustainability enthusiasts or just those who want to create a better future for everyone on planet earth! 

We are excited to share that we plan to announce in full our long-term Wild Thang Sustainability Pledge at The Good Small Business Awards.


As an official sponsor of these new innovative sustainability awards,  we thought we would share a small part of that upcoming pledge as an eco taster of what is to come.   


Wild Thang has already committed to a long-term carbon offsetting plan in partnership with Ecologi. We will be purchasing and planting trees on behalf of every staff member and also planting trees with every purchase made by our clients.

In just the past couple of months, we've planted 2455 trees and supported two verified carbon avoidance projects, preventing the emission of over 32.26 tCO2e – that's equivalent to 25 long haul flights, 97 m2 of sea ice saved and 80,037 miles driven! 


We know our commitment to sustainability can’t stop there and must go further, so we can’t wait to share our full long-term sustainability pledge at The Good Small Business Awards.

We are proud to have always prioritised sustainability in all aspects of our business, from the products we offer to the way we operate, being ISO 14001 accredited, our facilities are already equipped with electric charging points and LED auto switch-off lights and we have recycling facilities throughout the building. Join us in the fight against climate change and make a difference today. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


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