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Blog posts of '2022' 'October'

The 2022 North West LGBTQ+ Business Awards
The 2022 North West LGBTQ+ Business Awards

Wild Thang is delighted to say we were category sponsors at the North West LGBTQ+ Business Awards this year and we had a brilliant time. It was a spectacle like no other, people from all over came together in the spectacular Titanic Hotel on the Liverpool waterfront to celebrate the achievements of our LGBTQ+ community in business and commerce.

Wild Thang Presents Promotional World Cup Merchandise
Wild Thang Presents Promotional World Cup Merchandise

Wild Thang presents to you its World Cup Promotional Merchandise, whatever your plans for this World Cup we have a huge range of top-quality promotional products which will make sure you are covered!

Blog Disclaimer

While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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