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Blog posts tagged with 'cycle'

Worlds largest cycle jersey maybe it’s time to get on your bike & ride!
Worlds largest cycle jersey maybe it’s time to get on your bike & ride!

At Wild Thang we love all things big, huge & massive realted to products we supply, inspired by my recent Vimto 110KM charity ride I thought I would share the world's largest cycling  jersey. This giant-size cycle jersey was created by Team Sky for the start of the 2014 Tour De France. The unveiling...

Wild Thang proud to complete the big Vimto 110KM charity cycle in seriously mixed up weather ☺
Wild Thang proud to complete the big Vimto 110KM charity cycle in seriously mixed up weather ☺

Wild Thang’s Andrew Dwerryhouse participated in The Big Vimto 110KM Charity Cycle which took place on Sunday 16th September, celebrating Vimto’s 110th year anniversary while helping to raise funds of an incredible £110,000 for Warrington Youth Centre.

 Andrew Dwerryhouse commented “I am personally ...

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