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Blog posts tagged with 'screenprinted posters'

Worlds largest poster certainly makes a sizeable impact!
Worlds largest poster certainly makes a sizeable impact!

At Wild Thang we love all things big, large, massive and huge related to products we sell. Check out the world's largest biggest poster which was created for the movie release of Indian movie epic Baahubali. The sizeable movie poster was a whopping 4,793.65 m² (51,598.21 ft²) - that's the size of 18...

Giant Showcase Campaign
Giant Showcase Campaign

Wild Thang showcase campaign is full of relevant and innovative ideas for your campaign or promotion. With the Giants due to return later this year we are starting to get very excited about the prospect & have to say this is one of our proudest previous projects to have been involved in, producing t...

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While many of the images shown highlight merchandise produced by Wild Thang a number of images we are sharing purely to provide branding inspiration & optimum effect of personalisation.

Wild Thang DO NOT imply that all these products have been supplied to, or endorsed by the individuals owners or companies of these said names or trademarks.

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